Jerome (27 March 347 – 30 September 420) was born in Stridon, Dalmatia. His education begun at home was then continued in Rome when he was about 12. He studied with Donatus at Rome for some years between 360 and 366. Donatus was perhaps the most famous grammarian of the fourth century.
Jerome was known as biblical translator and monastic leader, traditionally regarded as the most learned of the Latin Fathers.
In 375 Jerome began a two year search for inner peace as Hermit in the desert of Chalcis. He learned Hebrew form Jewish convert, studied Greek, had manuscript copied for his library and his friend.
In 386 Jerome settled in Bethlehem, Palestine, as head of a new men’s monastery. There he translate the Bible into Latin, wrote commentaries on the Bible, and engaged in extensive correspondence. His translation, know later as the Vulgate, was authoritative Catholic version of the Bible for the next 1500 years.
Jerome’s name soon became synonymous with philological Biblical scholarship.
Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus or Jerome
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